No outsider in Christ

Moses said, “Change your hearts and stop being stubborn” (Deut. 10:16). Interestingly, right after issuing that challenge Moses took up the topic of Israel’s treatment of outsiders.

God of peace

When Jesus was denouncing the unrepentant towns where He had done most of His miracles (Matt. 11:20–24), He still had words of comfort for those who would come to Him.

Safe resting place

Certain situations in life require us to spend our mental, physical, or emotional energy in a way that we can’t sustain.

Break the walls

There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:28

"She did what she could". Mark 14:8

During the week in which Christ would be killed, Mary of Bethany anointed Him with expensive perfume (John 12:3; Mark 14:3). Some of those present were appalled, but Jesus applauded her.

Confidence in Jesus Christ

Phillippians 3:3 for we are the circumcision, who worship by the Spirit of God, and glory in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh:

Grace, saving grace

Since all of Paul’s letters begin with an expression of God’s grace to us, we may be tempted to think that is simply a customary word of greeting.

At our lowest point

Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble? Job 2:10

Praise Him

In the shortest of all the psalms, Psalm 117, the writer encourages everyone to praise the Lord because “great is his love toward us”.

God's Grace

How Deep is God’s Grace?

God’s grace is so deep, you can never contain it.

So wide, you can never explain it.

So deep you can never see its beginning,
